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Riverside Cambridge

JNP Group carried out the full structural, infrastructure and Planning Supervisor services for this successful development, comprising  piled foundations and a reinforced concrete transfer slab over undercroft car parking, supporting a proprietary ‘Fusion’ cold rolled steel superstructure.

Wates selected to use The Fusion system for the superstructure. After detailed consultation with the Client, JNP designed a reinforced concrete flat slab podium at first floor level, over RC basement car parking on piled foundations which bridged the bases of the former gas holders. This allowed complete flexibility of load-bearing locations to the Fusion system suppliers and enabled JNP Group to comply with the stringent deflection criteria specified by Fusion, to prevent buckling failure of the cold rolled framing.

JNP Group consulting engineers were also heavily involved with the onsite remediation of this disused town gas works, investigating and specifying the necessary remediation

Project Value: £18m

Client: Wates 

Design Services Provided

  • Site remediation strategy
  • R C Structure
  • Planning supervisior
  • Drainage and roads
  • Foundation design to bridge buried gas holders